14 June 2011


Dear Readers,

I have struggled for some time with the direction Vidi should go...and I've reached my conclusion: it's not a sustainable idea.

First off, I have come to feel it a rather condescending project, intellectually speaking. Writing about the culture of "developing"countries is not in itself a bad idea. However, me deciding arbitrarily which countries should be in this category is. I feel that it would stretch credulity to place countries as diverse as Argentina, the UAE and India in the same boat.

That leads to my second point: some of the so-called "emerging" countries already have a very well-established place in the cultural pantheon and don't necessarily need some kind of journalistic affirmative action (here I'm thinking of Latin America).

A third issue that has come up for me is that I am not currently able to do justice to these topics since I'm not able to travel and communicate more directly with the concerned parties. For purely selfish reasons, I would like to take a more interactive role in gathering and relaying the information I present.

For those of you who stumble upon this blog, I hope the few articles I've posted will expose you to something new or help you in your research. I learned some very interesting things while putting these posts together and I hope to continue this project in a different form some day.

In the meantime, please keep your eyes peeled for a new blog that I will be starting in the very near future.

Also, if you have any questions, comments or want to communicate for any reason, please don't hesitate to send me an email - I always welcome new ideas and contacts.

Thank you for reading. Stay curious.



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